This short 3D animated film was made as a four week college assignment co-created by me and ujjwal parekh. The parameters given to us for this project included creating a thirty second soundscape for a setting that we were to select from Marquez's 'Monologue of Isabel watching it rain in Macondo'. With a focus on magical realism and using this soundscape, we created a narrative about a young boy who seeks shelter in a house on a stormy night. Lured by the warmth of the fireplace, he enters the abandoned house. His complacence soon turns to panic as he feels an eerie presence around him and realizes there is No Way Out. 

we used Autodesk Maya and Zbrush for modelling, sculpting and rigging the main character and also for creating the environment that we used in this film. All the shots were animated in Maya and the film was rendered using Mentalray. 

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